Foto: Mary Brewer
About Nooteboom Consult
Nooteboom Consult was founded by Annemiek Nooteboom.
Growing up in a family with a surgeon as a father and an obstetrician as a mother, she has a connection with the medical world from an early age.
She earned a master’s degree in psychology and a bachelor’s degree in management. She has always integrated the best elements from both fields, as well as training concepts from the medical and aviation world. She worked at the Amsterdam Academic Medical Center as a trainer, psychologist and program leader of the training program “Complex Situation Training for Residents”.
Annemiek uses a great deal of experience from inside the hospital with themes that are relevant to doctors and can therefore easily relate to the position and situation of clinically working professionals. She develops various communication-enhancing programs, for medical departments and professionals.
She uses a pragmatic, time-effective approach that can be applied immediately in the workplace.